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Limitless Trading on the First Fully Decentralized Cross-Chain Derivatives Exchange Protocol​

Access unlimited markets on the first fully decentralized cross-chain derivatives exchange protocol.

πŸ“Š Chain Parameter🎯 Value
🎁 Reward rate (APR/APY)17.10% / 18.64%
πŸ’° Commission5% of the reward rate
πŸ”’ Minimum tokens to stakeNo minimum
⏳ Unbonding period21 days
❌ Slashing for downtime0.01%
πŸ’₯ Slashing for rogue nodes5%

🌐 Wallet Choices​

Injective Hub currently supports Metamask, Keplr, Torus, Ledger and Trezor.

🏁 How to Stake​

  1. Go to and connect the web3 wallet you are using to store your INJ (ERC-20) tokens.

  2. Click Wallet from the top menu bar to open the wallet page and transfer your INJ to the Injective Chain using the Injective to Ethereum bidirectional ERC-20 Bridge.

  3. Open High Stakes Validators page.

  4. Enter the amount to stake, click Delegate, and sign the delegation transaction via MetaMask.

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations! Your INJ is now staked.

❓ FAQ​

Which wallets are currently supported?

Currently Metamask, Keplr, Torus, Ledger and Trezor are supported.

Do I need ETH to pay for Gas fees?

Yes, but only for the approval, deposit, and withdrawal of your tokens when performing transactions through Ethereum.

Can I stake using a Ledger?

Yes, Injective has native integration, and you can stake directly with a Ledger.

Are there any risks when delegating?

Slashing is enabled, meaning any validator misbehaving can lose a portion of their tokens, plus the delegated ones. In case of prolonged downtime, the slashing amount is 0.01% once. In case of double sign, it is 5% and the validator is forever banned.

How does Injective service fee work?

The protocol automatically pays a commission to all active validators participating in the minting of new blocks. It is a percentage on all rewards earned related to the staking power of each validator.

Can I vote on governance proposals?

Yes, all users with staked tokens can vote on any proposal using their wallet. Validators are able to cast votes on behalf of their delegators, but it is overridden by the votes of the users.